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Legal & Insurance

Making sure your business starts and operates within the law is something you need to get right from the outset. It's not necessarily complicated or expensive but you do need to take professional advice. This means from a solicitor for small business legal matters and from an FSA registered firm for small business insurance requirements, investments and mortgages.

A small business owner's guide to the Data Protection Act
Don't hide behind the Data Protection Act! It's not as complicated as you think with our easy guide...

Company Directors' Responsibilities
being a company director brings with it several important responsibilities...

Company Secretaries' Responsibilities
If you're the Company Secretary make sure you know what you're responsible for...

Don't scrimp on getting proper legal advice
Many business start ups avoid consulting solicitors because they think its going to be expensive. What they fail to...

Keep it legal - what must be included on your company stationery and invoices
not quite sure what should be on an invoice? Check out our easy guide...

Business Insurance Basics
Businesses face potential threats each and every day so make sure you know...

Latin terms in contracts
an easy plain-english guide to popular Latin business terminology...

Definitions of contractual terms
Confused? not for long, with this plain english guide to contractual terms...

Financial terms - definitions
An easy plain English guide to the most commonly used financial terms...

Definition of property contractual terms
taking on a commercial property? use this easy guide to property contract terms....

Age Discrimination Legislation
What your business needs to know about the new age discrimination legislation that comes into effect on 1 October 2006...

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